Miss Davison's Website


Taupaki School has its beginnings in the 1870’s. A teacher from Hobsonville rode a horse over the hills and fields to conduct school for two days per week in the Pomona Hall. Then the railway came through Taupaki and children from the area caught the train to Woodhill in order to go to school full-time. This usually involved a long walk and a slow train journey but the families put up with the inconvenience because education was seen to be important. This happened for 15 years until the number of school-aged children in the local area grew enough to warrant a school of our own. An approach was made to the Auckland Education Board in 1896. Along with the approach, Mr William Aitken made an offer of land for a new school. The offer was accepted and Taupaki School was opened in 1899 with a roll of 22 taught by Miss Violet Johnson, the daughter of the owners of the Taupaki Store


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